Thursday, October 30, 2008

Initiative overview: Project Pengu

Project Pengu

Vision: Save money and rescue penguins via greater resource conservation

Objective: To purchase a reasonably priced refrigerator to replace vintage model in current home within 2 weeks

Background: Current month's electricity bill sky rocketed to a very large sum. Whilst it is partially an administration error by PG&E, HH has agreed to utilise this opportunity to implement ways to reduce energy consumption and upgrade appliances to more energy efficient model where possible.

Actions: Research and select desired fridge models through recognised, informative websites. Cross reference with Craigslist and retail pricing. Wash and repeat.

Selection criteria (in order of importance):
- Price
- Same size as allocated kitchen space
- Improved energy efficient from current fridge
- Ascetically pleasing
- Proximity to home - convenient to transport back to apartment

Budget and expectations:
$400-500 is a solid amount for second hand fridge. It will unlikely be new. Delivery approx $60 additional

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