Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I might have, er, bought cereal made by peace lovin hippies

So I went to the shops for groceries yesterday. Just to the local supermarket since I was still coughing up a lung, and weren't really energetic. To be fair, the Cole Valley grocer is quite well stocked. It has a fresh meats section, a mainly organic veggie stand and quite a big selection of breakfast items.

I wanted to stock up cereal for breakfast, and didn't want something sugary so went for the Granola. They only had one kind of granola..

It wasn't till this morning that I realise I bought something called Peace Granola. It is made by the Golden Temple of Eugene, Oregon... a non-profit peace organisation founded by Yogi Bahjan.

Whilst I have no problem with promoting peace etc, I do have a problem with the label 'peace'. It is an all encompassing word that isn't anywhere close to being a SMART objective. Peace requires step by step action, with chanting and meditation needing to work hand in hand with things that cause an effect.

Anyhooo... it's just my way of saying I am just not so sure the notion of peace on my cereal made me feel good. In fact, it made me question whether my financial contribution (through purchase of this cereal) was the right step towards peace.

PS - it's pretty tasty granola

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