Monday, February 11, 2008

golf... sunny days and dilemma of V Day

J and I went on first date just over a week ago... things are progressing on the fast side, considering date #2 consist of a day trip to Pebble Beach for the PGA golf.

If you know me, I know nothing about golf other than being taken to a driving range at age 14. I think golf on TV is about as good as watching paint dry, but I do like highlight packages and read about the names etc. So the question... why did I even bother going, when its not exactly a cheap exercise and it will take up a whole day? Because it fits right into what I set out to do this year (read my intro passage)... doing something different and meeting new people.

Admittedly I had an awesome time. I now know the Pebble Beach tournament is more about the fans than the golf. Some famous pros do play, but others - like Tiger Woods - has declined playing because there is too much of a celeb thing going on. For example, I saw Kevin Costner and Kelly Slater tee off. That's kinda cool. In addition to that it was a super sunny day... could've gotten away with shorts and tee... but Monterey Peninsula is so unpredictable, I went for the safe options.

J has been totally honest with me - sharing personal info about himself that would make some pretty horrific conversation in a conventional date scenario. I am a bit scared that I know so much, but at the same time I am totally flattered that he shared all that with me. So things are moving fast... what I'm actually afraid of is all of this coming to a short and quick ending... easy rise, easy fall they say. I am really not sure how I can stop the inevitable bad times from happening... hmm, lets just hope there's enough trust to ride things out.

Oh yeah, I'm totally smitten. Can't you tell? At the very least he's not on uppers, have a stalking ex wife, a rebellious teenage son, shared custody of dogs or carries a weapon on dates...phew!

Here's the thing... should I get a Valentine's Day present? Actually... being a non-gift believer... should I arrange a 'shared experience'?

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