Thursday, June 18, 2009

defining moment

I just had a defining moment... one that has been creeping up on me for awhile, as I prepare for my annual visit home.

See, I've been getting a bit of anxiety when people ask about my travel plans. The answer is something like "We'll be in Sydney, then head up to the reef then back to SF on 7th July". It's the bit where I say 'back to SF' I get stuck with... I almost write "back HOME on 7th July" just about every time.

Just then I needed to fill out some passenger information for the airline - one question asks what is your current address, and what is your destination address. On my last visit home, I put both as my parents' address in Sydney.

This year... my current address is SF.

I guess this is home for me right now.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

politically incorrect observations

Lately my journey home has taken a dangerous turn - the N-Judah has a pervert on board, and I've seen him 'in action' so to speak. So yesterday I was extra careful, keeping my extremities to myself and trying to stay discreet - which proves to be pretty difficult since the train was so crowded.

But last night I faced another kind of frusteration... see, I was squished up next to a guy who suffers from uncontrollable twitching. Not just a small twitch, but his head jolts, shoulders, legs. Everything at once.

There is no politically correct way to address this so here it goes - I am very sorry that you have this condition, but it was really freaking me out.

After looking this up... it seems there are a lot of misdiagnosis for the condition so I do really wish him well.

Monday, June 8, 2009

can it really happen?

Forgive me Diary for you have been neglected. It's been 6 months since I last blogged, in which time much has happened.

For starters, I now live with JS and have tolerated his almost-obsessive love for nuts and electrical wires. In exchange I torment him with positioning of the dishwasher hose. Smelly Cat is becoming more adorable everyday so that's a blessing - she is incredibly trainable, and has even learnt to be a living alarm clock (she taps me on the arm, with her paw, 3 times. No really, she taps you like nudging you with a finger).

With the new apartment, there is a change is commuter route - which is, of course, one of my favourite topics of discussion. I now take the N-Judah (or the bus, on the morning I want to breath) and when packed like sardines, some seemingly innocent behaviours become really, REALLY annoying.

Like this morning, a couple (not so young, maybe late 20s/ early 30s) was necking for the entire journey to Downtown. There were at least 4 people standing within millimeters of them. I kid you not... it was all out, tongue and everything.

I had the vantage spot right behind the girl (who was 5'2 so I could see EVERYTHING over her head). I am fairly sure it made my fellow work commuters equally uncomfortable, and I weren't prepared to say out loud that they should have gotten 'relieved' before they left the house...

Moral of this story: PDAs are only appropriate when there is 1 ft or more between you/ your PDA buddy and the next person.