Friday, September 26, 2008

cheques... and other observations

Besides witnessing the blood boiling reality of having someone water their garage door (washing)... one thing that really ticks me off is cheques. As I have written about many times before, I hate cheques. You have to remember how much you've cheque'ed out, and its such a waste of paper folks! I wouldn't be surprised if my bank sends the credit card department a cheque for my payments (which was transferred from a checking account of the same bank).

So why have I bought up this topic again, since I have lived with the lack of electronic banking for the most part for 13 months? Well, I am moving to a new apartment and question came up of whether or not I need to order new cheques with the right address on them. Matter of fact is - no, it doesn't really matter... unless your cheques are prone to get bounced. But of course banks tell you otherwise, so here I am with another 3 books of un-used cheques, which they have suggested for me to destroy.

No, I ain't doing it.

Other than my banking dramas... life has been pretty good. J is still around, not getting sick of me, We're going to Hawaii together for Xmas... kinda weird to go with a boy I'm seeing, as oppose to with friends. It'll be nice. I mean, we are great friends deep down (regardless of all the other stuff we get up to).

Super busy months ahead... moving, dragon boat competition on Treasure Island, brother's visit, NY and LV trips, visiting cousins for Thanksgiving and then Christmas is right there! AGH!

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