Monday, September 14, 2009

stuggling to make sense of... everything

Right now I'm having a really hard time making sense of things. What I thought would be simple - like being dependable for someone, and expecting the same vice versa - is now a lot more grey then I expect it to be. Was I wrong in expecting the unconditional? Was I wrong to expect respect and support? Was I wrong to expect compassion and understanding - especially when it was a fuckin (small) mistake? Why do I get the feeling that they're looking/ listening and then thinking what I'm saying is all BS?

Unhealthy all round and I need resolution. I can't go to work crying anymore.

Damn, didn't someone tell me the grey areas will become bigger and more confusing as you get older?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ignorance and tripe?

Tripe... is something only a serious foodie, or an Ethnic person, would readily eat.

Me? I grew up with it. I still don't like it for textual reasons, but have a healthy respect for those who eat it.

Now Michael Bauer and tripe? I don't know what to make of him. Or his relationship with tripe either (article here).

For starters - it's fookin hard to cook tripe. The washing/ boiling/ flavouring needed to make this piece of stomach tasty is too labour intensive for many.

So for Michael to say San Franciscans will eat tripe - you know, I'll take that as a compliment. We're experimental folks and will at least give a chef the benefit of doubt to try it. If you fool us once? Shame on you. We just blog about it and make sure the entire city know your restaurant suck.

For him to say that New Yorkers won't if offered the same? Well... I think that's a backhanded criticism for a New Yorker's humanity, don't you think?