Sunday, January 3, 2010

01/03/09 - downtown we go!

Alright... one of these days I will be biking to work. So J & I rode the Wiggle today just so I don't freak out.

It is a ride through busy roads and I handled it OK. You have to be more alert, especially on places like Market St, but it's OK. I managed.

Next we headed to Potrero Hill to visit a friend... that was also through city streets and then cutting across 8th St.

And finally... ride through the Mission - the land of crazy driving and narrow bus lanes - to get home.

I made it. PHEW.

So am I ready to ride to work?

Today's ride: 10.7mi (6%)

30/12/09 - through the park and a little bit more

So I accidentally did 10mi today.

How does anyone accidentally do 10mi? Let me explain...

When you miss a turn in Golden Gate Park, lots can happen. Mainly you end up doing circles, run into dead ends and heaven forbid, you end up running into an Interstate Route.

I basically re-traced the route we took on Xmas Day - its one I know well enough and I know it's largely in a park, so that means cars are more aware of pedestrians right? I was wrong on that one... out of towners are not used to looking out for bikes.

And there I was, coming back from my ride... I missed a turn at the Polo Fields and ended up on Lincoln Way.


Anyway I righted it after doing circles round the lake.

Felt good. I am handling the distance ok.

Ride today is 10mi... i.e. 6% of distance...