Friday, March 28, 2008

What I do for work

Was stuck stationary on BART today for about 20 mins. There was an incident at West Oakland station and police cordoned off about 4 blocks, stopped trains from passing etc. In that time I was with a workmate, and pretty much were shooting the breeze since we were, well, stuck.

We were reminiscing what it was like back in the days of being an assistant. As he put eloquently;
"I was 22, fresh out of college and living in this massive share house. I swear no one knew what I did for a living... all they knew was that I come home drunk on Tuesday nights, and somehow managed to go to all these top notch restaurants on a 18K a year salary!"

Oh, those were the days...

SF is just not a big media party town. Maybe its b/c there aren't any major media sponsored events. Yet... I've been to some really, really good ones.

In honor of all parties the media has kindly put on for our industry, here are 5 top notch events I could remember (in my very, very tired state);

1) Nova969, Friday Happy Hour drinks at Zenithmedia, North Sydney
I ended up doing the splits on the work balcony...

2) Beyond the Blues ball - Luna Park
Not exactly a media event, but it was Pacific/Ch 7 sponsored and I was someone's date. Black tie, fun music and Tom Williams performing his winning DWTS routine in person!

3) Pacific Magazines carnival games
Oldie but a goodie. This was held at One World Sports Darling Harbour, Sydney. Mechanical bulls, putt putt golf, pin ball and lawn bowls. You won some really awesome prizes as well, like salon haircare products and manicure vouchers

4) Future Magazine gaming bash
One of the most memorable gigs thus far in San Francisco. It was at the super swish Westin, and Future Mags didn't let their English publishing roots down by having the best food, drinks and awesome DJs/ performers. For heaven's sake there were even acrobats dangling from the ceiling, doing spins on hoots, ribbons, ropes!!! Oh yeah it was awesome. We put the other IT party, which was housed next room, to shame (it was the same timing as Oracle Open World)

5) Hmm the last space. I could go with something high profile, like the Cleo Bachelor's Party where I met Megan Gale and some other big name models. But no... I'm going to nominate a lunch I had with a particular national radio station at Aqua Dining which turned into dinner. 

And THATS the way we roll in media... and I am forever grateful for it:)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

in search of the Aussie meat pie

I was reading this week's newsletter from the American-Australian Chamber of Commerce, and realise just how much I missed a good ol Aussie meat pie.

I remember going into a pie shop at Soda Springs, CA and asked whether they had savory pies. They did, but only in the 12in side... and only in chicken and vegetable. Blah. I mean, I love chicken... but i want steak, onions, maybe bacon and cheese. You know, stuff that Four & Twenty makes.

In this week's AACC newsletter they had a special mention for Mojo Pies, which is an Arizona based co with a branch in Redondo Beach, CA (LA area). They also do mail order... charges at USD $3.15 p/pie, that roughly translates to what Shakespeare/ Jester Pies charges in Sydney.

In my quest for pies, I managed to locate another couple of pie shop/ bakeries that sells Aussie meat pies (single serve. None of that 12in business) in the US;

- The afore mentioned Mojo Pies in Redondo Beach, right on the PCH - they do mail order

- The Australian Meat Pie Co, in Washington State - they also do mail order

- Australian Bakery Cafe, Atlanta GA - it actually looks really good and I'd love to try it. But I'm not so sure about getting them to post meat pies cross county

- Crickey's Pies, Toledo OH - looks awesome on website but should we be drawing parallels between Perth and Ohio?? They like rugby, and i like them. They do not do mail order

Or... you can buy specially imported Four'n Twenty at severely inflated prices

Will let you know how they compare with taste.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

totally funky

Brother Oz is a super web ferret. He often comes up with stuff that makes you think WTF... but this time he came up trumps.

I love this site;

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I met lover boy J for coffee this afternoon -  we met at the 24th Mission Bart station. He was just a notch freaked out because it is a very ethnically mixed area... actually I was a little shaky too, but as far as I can work out these areas are kinder to Asians than Anglos (SHOULD anything happen, which does not necessarily will).

So we went to Philz... arguable the best coffee in SF. Sat on mismatched armchairs drinking sweet, dark coffee... and knowing fully well that we'll be buzzing for hours.

We walked up to 18th St afterwards, as J was meeting the boys for dinner. He asked if I would like to meet them... I had every intention to, but at the end it was a little away from my bus stop and I decided not. Though this is a decision I regretted... he assured me later that they wanted the same, therefore opportunity will be created in very near future :p

I caught the #22 home, the Mission/ Fillmore. Yet again one of the most diverse buses on the Muni line... going from 3rd street (like, the housing commission!) to the Marina (like, Double Bay!)... can the two ever co-exist? Well, kinda. Sorta. You can see the Marina crowd freaking out and sticking to front of the bus. Other people sat down the back. Just for kicks, I sat at the back.

Started thinking whether roomies would venture to these areas. One would, other wouldn't. I am starting to learn of their clicky private school ways... and worst, they don't get it that they're being classist a lot of times. They have a very excluding mannerism about them and its starting to get to me somewhat.

Need to stick it out until salary situation gets a little more comfortable.

Anyway, J and I are doing well.